If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principal difference between a dog and a man. - Mark Twain
Just to sweeten the thought of moving back to Florida, it's been blowing a blizzard since last night. Probably 10 inches of snow on the ground right now and poor Chief can hardly make his way through the shoulder high (for him) snow. We had a harrowing ride to Tappahannock from Deltaville last night in conditions where we never saw pavement the whole way. Flipped over SUV's, trucks in ditches, cars on their backs, and sections of the highway shutdown for emergency crews. It took us 2-1/2 hours to navigate the 45 miles, and we only slid off the road and had to get pulled out once.
Felix was lifted out of the water two days ago, winterized, and now the fun part of cleaning her up begins as soon as we can get back to Deltaville and clear the snow off of her. It should make for some interesting pictures when we see her tomorrow!
You need a big jacked up truck for those kind of rides.We got home from D.C. Sunday afternoon and found snow piled at the end of our driveway up to my waist.I put the truck in 4hi and busted thru it and went right up the hill.Megan worked all day Monday on the driveway and I went home from work early and helped, and we finally got the cars out this morning.Had about 20 inches here. The Jack Russells love it.Jack seems to get a bit cold after a while, but the little girls love it and could play in it all day.I've been trying to get your boat sold,however that is a hard sell in the mountians in the winter.Plus, the Shenandoah River isn't really good for sailboats!!