As promised Tom from Irish Sail Lady delivered our repaired mainsail to us yesterday morning, so at slack tide in the afternoon with the boat pointing into the wind we ran it back up the stick and furled it in. Up at 5 am this morning, we had the anchor aboard by 6 and made the 6:30 am opening of the Bridge of Lions. After a detour into Camachee Cove Marina for 38 gallons of diesel and a topping of the water tanks, we were back underway at 8:15 and heading north to the Pine Island anchorage. We arrived with one other boat already here, the beautiful Hinckley Bermuda 40 'Freedom'.
Plans are for a leisurely but hot and windless afternoon watching the multitude of dolphins feed around us in the obviously fishy anchorage. Still trying to decide what the plan is for the next few days, the weather is forecasting "nocturnal surge events" for the next few days. Not exactly sure what that means, it's the first time we've ever seen that terminology, but guessing we may get some gusty nighttime winds and we want to be sure that we're securely anchored. We've got both hooks in the mud here today, mostly just to practice for the heavy current areas that we'll be passing through in GA and SC during the coming weeks.

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