We missed a few days of blogging due to connectivity issues in the GA swamp. We've got them worked out now and have a few updates to post, most of which I'll do in the next few days.
While we were anchored in Wally's Leg, we had a nice nature encounter with Wally himself. Wally the 6 foot g
ator. Wally swam up to Felix and started eyeballing the Chief, who was only concerned about what Star was cooking him for dinner, and oblivious to the possibility that something was looking at him as dinner! Wally stroked over to within 15 feet of the side of our boat, floating lazily on the surface and watching his potential meal strut back and forth along the cabin top.

After about 10 minutes, the hungry gator slowly drifted back in the current until he held himself about 30-50 feet behind the boat, gently swishing his tail back and forth to hold in position for the next half hour. Lucky for the Chief there were no missed steps or slipped footing, and eventually Wally swam away. 

We have lots more to write, but we'll save it for tomorrow when we're better rested. All in all, we've come to appreciate the Georgia swamps a little more. The place is teaming with life. We saw a marsh flat overrun with wild hog, at least 30 on a couple acre flat, I saw a fish jump that had to be 40#, the gators, birds, just so much out there. If you can see past the hordes of horse flies and no-see-ums there's such an incredible diverse sort of life out there that it's definitely worth it, maybe once every 14 years:)
More to follow in the next few days....
Don't forget that gator tastes good too!!So Wally better be on his toes,if I was on the boat, 15 feet away would have been close enough to qualify him for dinner!!