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Deadheads and Eagle Fans

I read somewhere that 77 per cent of all the mentally ill live in poverty. Actually, I'm more intrigued by the 23 per cent who are apparently doing quite well for themselves. - Jerry Garcia

First, thanks to everyone for the comments and emails about deadheads. Partially submerged logs, and the 20 mile long Pungo-Alligator River canal was littered with them. We passed through there this afternoon and saw 3 of them like in this photo that were smack in the middle of the channel, and another 4 or 5 off to the side of the channel. Fortunately when you're travelling at 6 mph these things are easy to spot.

Now I need to back up. Yesterday we had a great sail and motorsail from Oriental up the Neuse River and Pamlico River to Belhaven. Belhaven is becoming one of our favorite places. We had stopped there 14 years ago and loved it, this time we learned to love it even more. To begin with the harbor is excellent with a deep well marked channel leading into a huge, well protected anchorage that could easily hold 50 boats, although there were only 3 of us there. We fueled up yesterday afternoon before anchoring, and then this morning we needed to trek to the Post Office and send out a package. Although the P.O. was about a mile away, we had only walked 100 yards before 'Slingblade' in an old pickup with his grandson in the passenger seat and a shotgun between them stopped to give us a ride. We hopped in the back with the machete and scythe and he drove right to the front door. When we left, again we only walked a couple of hundred yards before another guy stops and asks "Do you need a ride back to your boat?" I guess we've got yachtie written all over us. You've got to love a town like that, two public boat ramps with places to leave your dinghy, friendly people, and a great harbor. Belhaven, we'll be back to see you again someday.

We're now anchored here in the Alligator River with the Albermarle Sound to cross next. We saw this beauty perched up in a tree just as we were entering the Alligator River. There's no mistaking this guy!


  1. Hearing you pine lovingly about NC makes me want to go back up there. Michelle and I seriously thought of buying a place there instead of down here in Punta Gorda. Maybe next year:) : :)

    You are almost to the Chesapeake now. Hope you all enjoy your travels before that W word sneaks up on you again.

  2. The Eagle pic calls for a double.

    "For observing nature, the best pace is a snail's pace."
    -- Edwin Way Teale, (1899 - 1980) naturalist, author

    "I do not understand how anyone can live without some small place of enchantment to turn to."
    -- Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings, (1896 - 1953)

  3. mmmm rosemary eagle is yummy too!!! I've gotta quit thinking with my stomach!!I must go eat now.Possum soup.


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