Always stand clear of the ladder Boss!-
Capt. Ron

We left the dock this morning just after 9 so that we could catch the 9:30 opening of the Ladies Island bridge. Hot, hot, hot!! We raised the vertical awning for about an hour and watched it flap lazily before finally admitting to ourselves that there was just not enough wind. We tried to make some of our own, but 37 horses can't push this 'ol girl fast enough for that.
Our new crew members Herb and Laura got a taste of the idle life motoring up the ditch today. So sad, nothing exciting (read scary!) happened today and we were anchored by 3:30 here on the South Edisto River 30 miles north of Beaufort. The plan is for an early 5:45 departure tomorrow so that we can get past Charleston. Great place, but we've been in the 'city' too long now, and we want to stick to anchorages like this one, where we are the only boat and there is no house, town, or sign of life about us. Of course, we still have internet access, thank God!! :-)
The great thing about having crew aboard, you can put them to work!!!!
The thing is the short end of the stick and on the end there's a brush